Application of polymeric adsorbent in decolonization and preparation of high content Alisol extract 吸附树脂法在泽泻提取物的脱色及高纯度泽泻醇制备中的应用研究
Adsorption properties of 2,4-dinitrophenol on bi-functional polymeric adsorbent 复合功能吸附树脂对2,4-二硝基苯酚的吸附特性
Influence of extracellular polymeric substances and adsorbent on bioreactor membrane pollution 胞外聚合物和吸附剂对生物反应器膜污染影响
Study on recovery 2-naphthol industrial waste water with polymeric adsorbent 树脂吸附法处理2-萘酚工业废水的研究
A bi-functional polymeric adsorbent AL-1 is used to study the competitive adsorption mechanism. The adsorption isotherms for 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid ( 1,2,4-acid) and 2-naphthol obtained from various binary adsorption environment can be well fitted by Freundlich equation, which indicates a favorable adsorption process for the studied cases. 1-氨基-2-萘酚-4-磺酸(1,2,4-酸)和2-萘酚自不同双组分吸附体系中吸附至复合功能吸附树脂AL-1上的吸附等温线符合Freundlich等温模型。
The syntheses of oxidized β cyclodextrin supported by crosslinked polyacrylamide as the polymeric adsorbent for urea 交联聚丙烯酰胺负载的氧化β&环糊精的合成及其对尿素的吸附性能
Study on β-Cyclodextrin Polymeric Adsorbent for inclusion-adsorption of Aromatic Compounds β-环糊精高聚物对芳香类化合物包络吸附性能研究
Adsorption of the polymeric adsorbent AB-8 for Mogroside AB&8树脂对罗汉果皂甙的吸附
Study on the Treatment of Subsidence Wastewater with Polymeric Adsorbent 树脂吸附法处理采矿塌陷区废水的研究
Study on the Treatment of Industrial Waste Water Containing 2-Amino-8-Naphthalene Sulfonic Acid with Polymeric Adsorbent 树脂吸附法处理周位酸废水的研究
Study on treatment of industrial wastewater from naphthol AS production with polymeric adsorbent 树脂吸附法处理色酚AS生产废水的研究
The general methods lor determining pore parameters of macroporous ion exchange resin and polymeric adsorbent are exploited on the principle of adsorption and capillary phenomenon. 大孔树脂孔参数最普通的测定方法是吸附和毛细现象(向孔隙中压汞,吸附和毛细凝聚)为基础。
Application of Polymeric Resin Adsorbent in Organic Chemical Wastewater Treatment and Resources Reuse 树脂吸附法处理有毒有机化工废水及其资源化研究
Purification of Industrial Waste Water Containing Nitrochlorobenzene by Polymeric Adsorbent 树脂吸附法处理硝基氯苯生产废水研究
Competitive adsorption of binary naphthalene compounds onto a bi-functional polymeric adsorbent 复合功能吸附树脂对双组分萘系化合物的竞争吸附研究
Studies on the treatment of p-nitroaniline industrial waste water from 1,4-diaminobenzene production with polymeric adsorbent 树脂吸附法处理对苯二胺生产中含对硝基苯胺工业废水的研究
Regeneration of Polymeric Adsorbent Resins Containing VOCs by Microwave 微波再生含VOCs的高聚物吸附树脂
Thus, the optimal reaction condition is determined, and a new polymeric adsorbent of high specific surface area ( 1200-1400 m2/ g) is obtained. 确定了最佳反应条件,从而制得了一种高比表面(1200~1400m~2/g)的新型吸附树脂。
Removal of DNA Antibodies and DNA Immune Complexes from Mammal Blood with Spherical Carbonaceous Polymeric Adsorbent by Hemoperfusion 用DNA-球形碳化聚合物吸附剂由血液灌流除去哺乳动物血中DNA抗体及其免疫复合物
The apparent density and true density of the polymeric adsorbent was an inverse proportion for percent of divinylbenzene in monomers, but the pore volume and the surface area was direct proportion to it. 测定结果表明树脂的表观密度和骨架密度与二乙烯基苯在总单体中所占的百分数成反比,而树脂的孔容和比表面积与其所占的百分数成正比。
At the same time, polymeric nanoparticles have attracted great interest of polymer chemists due to their unique structures and size effects. Polymeric nanoparticles can be functionalized by changing their groups, and they have been widely used in catalytic, adsorbent, biomedical and other fields. 另一方面,高分子纳米微球具有独特的结构和尺寸效应,引起了人们极大的兴趣,通过改变其表面的官能团,赋予其特殊的表面功能,目前已广泛应用于催化剂,吸附剂,生物医学等领域。